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"Carry an Extra Rifle" Glitch [IMPORTANT]
Closed, ResolvedPublic


What the title says. Glitch allows to pick up a 2nd rifle from the floor and hang it beside the primary one, without taking up space in the backpack.

Might be able to do same for melee.

Video (must be watched in hd, because of overall poor quality):


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Have a rifle hanging on your back (I also had a Dry Backpack on - don't know if that affects the results)
  1. Find another rifle (obviously) and take it from the floor into your hands
  1. Drop your primary rifle on the floor (don't let go of the 2nd rifle)
  1. Click the red cross to unequip the 2nd rifle from your hands

//The rifle should either immediately appear below your backpack (in the inventory), or appear in the usual rifle slot, and then move down under the backpack

  1. Equip your old primary rifle directly from the floor (don't take it in hands)
Additional Information

as you can see in the screenshot I uploaded, I have a Mosin equipped as my primary rifle, and I have the 2nd rifle glitched right under my backpack.

You can only carry the 2nd rifle around like that. Once you take anything in your hands, the 2nd rifle will be dropped, but you [b[can[/b] make a shortcut to the 2nd rifle, and therefore have an advantage of being able to equip 2 rifles simoltaneously.

Event Timeline

Kroopz edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Dec 21 2014, 3:17 AM
Kroopz edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Kroopz set Category to category:weapons.
Kroopz set Reproducibility to Always.
Kroopz set Severity to None.
Kroopz set Resolution to Duplicate.
Kroopz set Legacy ID to 3046965173.May 8 2016, 9:01 PM

This has been around for quite a while. I really don't think it is too important but that is just my opinion.

If you relog you won't be able to take it with you.

Actually it depends. It's a glitch so sometimes it will while other times it won't let you.

andy added a comment.Jan 6 2015, 11:54 AM

Hey Kroopz and thanks for the report. We are already aware of this (#18840) and it has been scheduled for a fix - please be patient.