This is an issue that I don't have control in recreating, and other than mostly experiencing it in areas with a lot of buildings I cannot explain truly how this issue works. Below is the jist of exactly what happens-
After playing for a short period of time (5-10 mins) I will experience a sudden huge drop in FPS and quality, enabling me to see through any building i'm in, still rendering other players and items through walls (with awful quality deterioration), my character will not move normally for others at all (quite slowly), most inputs not being recorded by the game. No matter what quality settings I play on this issue always happens, at random times, but more frequently in areas with many buildings. I notice this issue rarely happens when I am in the middle of a forest or area that does not render many structures. (Trees are not causing the issue but buildings are??)
The only fix that I have for this issue myself is a temporary one, it involves going into the quality options while the issue is occurring and changing ANY option in the graphics settings the re-renders my game graphics (in my case I enable and then disable the V-sync options to quickly reset my UI and graphics). This fix is quite temporary, and the issue is certain to return as long as i'm playing and constantly changing my location in the game.