So as of patch 0.52, I wanted to build a bow and a stone knife and wanted to live as a hermit. However, you can't skin any animals using stone knife. Command pops up to skin the animal, animation runs but nothing happens.
- Legacy ID
- 1799857913
- Severity
- None
- Resolution
- Duplicate
- Reproducibility
- Random
1- Make a stone knife
2-kill an animal
3-try to skin it with stone knife
It appears that this problem happens randomly. Sometimes I can skin without problem and sometimes it doesn't work until server restarts again.
Edit: It seems animals can't be skinned using any bladed melee whatsoever. Machete, kitchen knife etc. doesn't work as well.
Edit2: The problem is DEFINITELY related to persistance. In any non-persistant server, everything works like a charm. However, in persistant servers, mechanics such as skinning, crafting splint, handcuffing, force-feeding, pouring water from bottle to bottle are broken. I hope this will be fixed by the next patch.
Event Timeline
Will try to see if it's persistance related. Right now I'm playing on a persistance enabled private hive server. If it's not related to persistance, I'll try to see if it's performance related by playing on an empty server first and then by playing on a full server.
As of 0.53 I still can't skin animals on persistent servers, I haven't tried non persistent yet.
Sometimes animation stops but the action is not done. Try to "cancel" and do it again.
Hello Finnbhennach and thank you for the report.
We are aware of this issue #0020648 and it has been scheduled for a fix.