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Character respawns as a completely new character extremely randomly.
Closed, ResolvedPublic


The character respawns as a fresh spawn when I log off or the server restarts at very random times. In addition, sometimes when I log in, the character I spawn as will be a character I thought I had lost long ago. This issue seems to be extremely random; I did some in depth testing, spawning on several different servers, restarting the game without exiting normally, and restarting my computer. Overall, I still can't predict when I'm going to spawn as a fresh spawn when I hadn't previously died when I logged off, whether I log in on the same server I had been on previously or not. Very serious bug that is making the game extremely frustrating, so I'm hoping it will get fixed soon.


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce
  • Bug seems to be random; no guarantee that you will respawn as a fresh spawn or a previously lost character.


  • Acquire loot
  • Exit Game
  • Log back in
  • May or may not be the same character
Additional Information

Makes the game very frustrating because no matter how much I test different strategies, I cannot figure out a pattern to this bug or what may be causing it.

Event Timeline

FALLENxGaLaXie5 edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
FALLENxGaLaXie5 set Category to category:characters.
FALLENxGaLaXie5 set Reproducibility to Random.
FALLENxGaLaXie5 set Severity to None.
FALLENxGaLaXie5 set Resolution to Duplicate.
FALLENxGaLaXie5 set Legacy ID to 3974085174.May 8 2016, 9:00 PM

I can confirm I experience the same.
Used to sometimes happen before but just exiting and relogging always worked. After 0.52 update it doesn't help.
This is also the same as:

andy added a comment.Jan 13 2015, 2:10 PM

Hi and sorry about your trouble.
This is something we are aware of (#78) and working on - please be patient.