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Loot locations are broken
Closed, ResolvedPublic


As you can see on the Screenshots (Additional Information). There are certain areas with some kind of a "bug" (?). There is every possible loot in one town.
Unfortunately this also effects other villages/cities around = there is not a SINGLE usefull item in there. Only cleaning kits, shoes and lots lots lots of screw drivers etc.

Firstly I discovered this "bug" (?) 1 1/2 week ago, and it is persistant!
For example on the server I play on, the village Staroye is staaaaacked with every possible loot since I first discored it. And Msta and Dolina donthave a single can of food.

Can you pleeeease get rid of this bug...? I just want to play and not waste 2 hours only speeeding around looking for food and end up starving........

(Just mentioning: Its not just the server I play at, at least 3 other servers i played on, have the same bug


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

Go on the same server, the same village is stacked with loot and the same villages around dont have anything in.

Additional Information

Event Timeline

martyi edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Dec 14 2014, 10:38 AM
martyi edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
martyi set Category to General.
martyi set Reproducibility to Always.
martyi set Severity to None.
martyi set Resolution to Duplicate.
martyi set Legacy ID to 1485899266.May 8 2016, 8:57 PM
andy added a comment.Dec 15 2014, 12:22 PM

Hi martyi and thank you for your report.
We are aware of this (#17617) and the programmers are currently working on a fix - please be patient.