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I met some players last night on 0.50 Stable branch who demonstrated how they are able to dupe items. 1. Punch character in the face to be knocked out, 2. Wait until they regain consciousness, 3. Player is immediately shot in the head (to not damage items) and they then immediately log out, 4. Player collecting the loot waits for all items which are currently floating in the air to drop (5-10 secs) and then items can be accessed, 5. Shot player then logs back in again and still has original gear. Its pretty similar to the old knock out-log off duping technique.

These guys had a backpack completely full of High Cap vests within high cap vests, apparently the key is to put a green inside a black or vice versa or it wont work. Inside the multiple layers of vests were 20 or so ammo tins all full of various ammo, grenades, flashbangs etc. They also said that they had coupled stanag mags with infinate ammo, but cannot confirm.


Legacy ID

Event Timeline

Dipster1 set Category to category:glitchabuse.Nov 14 2014, 2:25 AM
Dipster1 set Reproducibility to Always.
Dipster1 set Severity to None.
Dipster1 set Resolution to Duplicate.
Dipster1 set Legacy ID to 2986195669.May 8 2016, 8:35 PM
Dipster1 edited a custom field.
Darcion added a subscriber: Darcion.May 8 2016, 8:35 PM

pls, make it private. its already known and posted. you dont see them because this issue is many times in and private.

andy added a comment.Nov 14 2014, 11:20 AM

Hi Dipster1,
no worries, feedback on such issues is appreciated even if it has been reported before.
We are indeed aware of this and will hopefully be able to prevent this soon.
Thank you for your report,