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Two Graphic Cards - Two Monitors - Problems since new Experimental Update
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Dear Support-Team and digital magicians of DayZ,

since the latest experimental update 0.51.125468 I got an annoying problem I experienced in the latest "Arma 3" update, too.
My Game keeps to start on the second (not primary) monitor, which is a TV (digital LED monitor, HDMI connected). I want to play on my primary monitor. In "Arma 3" I red this issue in some forums and I managed to solve it with the start-option "forcedAdapterId=0;" in the ".cfg" file. In DayZ there seems not to be such an option.
My only try for DayZ was to change the cfg-entry "adapter=-1;" to "adapter=0;" or "adapter=1;", which gives me control on which monitor dayz starts, BUT (and this is the essential part) then I have the problem that DayZ runs on primary monitor with the integrated Graphics (Intel HD 4600) only. But I want to use my much more powerful graphic-card, the Nvidia GTX 870M.

My Setup:
Gaming Notebook
Primary Monitor (integrated Notebook Display) plugged to Intel HD 4600 integrated graphics (I cannot change this)
Secondary Monitor plugged to HDMI of the GTX 870M

It seems that there was made some changes since the latest experimental update regarding to this issue. As I said, Arma 3 gave me the same error one or two stable-updates ago. Maybe they are related to each other.
Maybe there is an intern program-issue with assigning monitors for a graphic adapter?

Hint 1:
All other games can run on the primary monitor (integrated display) while using the GTX 870M. DayZ can, on stable version 0.50 and earlier versions, too. Since patching to experimental 0.51 it can't.

Hint 2:
I already tried to select to run DayZ with the GTX in Nvidia Control Panel. No success.


Legacy ID
Game Settings
Steps To Reproduce

Playing on a notebook with two monitors, one integrated (primary), another connected over hdmi (secondary).
The primary is hardconnected to the integrated Intel HD 4600, but is able to "stream" the signal from the GTX to the primary, which is used by all other games correctly.
The secondary monitor is connected to the more powerful GTX.

Now, if the game starts with the gtx the second monitor will be used. If I force DayZ to use the primary monitor (with adapter=0 or adapter=1) it can only use the weak integrated graphic card.

Additional Information

Problem occurs since version 0.51.125468

Sorry for repeating myself over and over again.

Event Timeline

coreZair edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Nov 13 2014, 3:06 PM
coreZair edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
coreZair set Category to Game Settings.
coreZair set Reproducibility to Always.
coreZair set Severity to None.
coreZair set Resolution to Fixed.
coreZair set Legacy ID to 2181096340.May 8 2016, 8:35 PM
coreZair edited a custom field.
coreZair added a subscriber: coreZair.

Tested on Experimental 0.51.125504

I am forced to test it with the integrated display only right now, cause I am on a road trip [gaming notebook FTW ;)]. No second display connected to HDMI.
No matter what I write into the configuration file ("DayZ.cfg") to the line "adapter", the game uses the integrated (weak) Intel HD 4600 graphics.
I tried to run DayZ Experimental in windowed mode, too. No success with integrated monitor only. DayZ refuses to use the GTX.

Hardware configuration:
Like I said above, the notebook-display is hardware-connected to the integrated graphics (Intel HD4600). The GTX has the HDMI-connection and is able to "stream it's signal" trough the integrated graphics to the notebook-display. Just like in every gaming notebook with a similar configuration.

All other games are working. I had some similar issues in "Arma 3" some stable updates ago.



With the new Exprimental update 0.51.125405 the issue is still there. Just for keeping you updated.


andy added a comment.Nov 13 2014, 4:44 PM

Hi coreZair,
sorry to hear about your trouble.
I will consult this with our Arma team (as you mention, they have been having some problems with this as well) and let you know.
In the meanwhile, please make sure your drivers are up to date.

Patched back to stable 0.50 and it's working again ("adapter=-1;" in ".cfg"). I got the game on my primary monitor and the GTX. Seems to work fine.
As soon as I patch back to experimental the issue is back again.
I guess it really is an issue with the changes made in the latest experimental update. I hope you find the problem-causing program-snippet. =)


andy added a comment.Nov 14 2014, 12:00 PM

Thanks for keeping us updated, coreZair.
The developers will see what can be done.

Issue seems to be solved since the new stable update 0.51!
Thank you for your great work guys.


andy added a comment.Dec 8 2014, 2:12 PM

Yes, there have been some changes to this :). Happy to hear they work (we were not too sure which is why I have not responded to the ticket since as I wanted to take another look into this).
Thank you for your kind words!