Was on top of the hospital @ Pavlovo military base and suddenly i get "My legs are in pain" "My legs are in extreme pain" messages and i died. Normally i would just suck it up and deal with the thing but with that char i just found my first ak74 mag from that military base + i ran back there as fresh spawn to check if my body was there but it wasnt so im kinda sad now :(
- Legacy ID
- 3082616098
- Severity
- None
- Resolution
- Duplicate
- Reproducibility
- Unable To Reproduce
Additional Information
Steam url: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198002054561
Server Name "GER/EN Friendly Looting & Roleplay PRIVATE HIVE by SelbstjustiZ"
Server Ip
Event Timeline
Comment Actions
sadly, we are not going to give you the old character back as that would be rather unfair towards others - sorry.
The issue here is known and we are looking into it. Please refer to #5169.
Thank you for understanding,