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Weird graphic glitch [Postprocess Quality]
Assigned, WishlistPublic


I discovered a weird graphic glitch whitch look like vertical stripes in the 3d rendered enviroment.

This occure when i've been playing for some hours and either get out to the main menu and try to get back in the game again.


Legacy ID
Ingame UI
Steps To Reproduce

Play for some hours, get out to the main menu and try to log in to a server again.

Additional Information

MSI Z87-G45 motherboard
Intel i3 4150
nVidia GTX750


Event Timeline

mania_c edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Oct 14 2014, 8:54 PM
mania_c edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
mania_c set Category to Ingame UI.
mania_c set Reproducibility to Sometimes.
mania_c set Severity to None.
mania_c set Resolution to Open.
mania_c set Legacy ID to 3387355017.May 8 2016, 8:18 PM

Hello mania_c,

Please try the following and see if it solves your problem:

  1. Start Steam and right click on DayZ in your game library (make sure that the game is not running).
  2. Select the tab labeled "Local Files".
  3. Click on the button labeled "Verify integrity of game cache...".
  4. Start DayZ once the process is complete.

If this does not solve the problem, then try upgrading to the experimental version and subsequently downgrade to the stable version and see if the problem persists.


mania_c added a subscriber: mania_c.May 8 2016, 8:18 PM

All files validated and tested and for the record the problem appeared when I was setting higher graphic settings on my pc. Didn't have the problem before so I suspect something is going on with post fx or a combination with something?

It doesn't get any better if i change my texture resolution so I have ruled that out for now.

Could you attach a copy of your DayZ.cfg file please? The DayZ.cfg file is available in your "C:\Users\<username>\Documents\DayZ" folder (rename it as a text file before attaching it to your ticket). Also, what is your desktop resolution?

1920x1080 is my desktop resolution.

Do you still have the problem if you lower your graphics settings (not just the resolution) or if you play in windowed mode?

It seems to disapear when I turn off post fx as I suspected.

Thanks mania_c. I'll try and see if I can reproduce the issue, but in case it doesn't occur for me, would it be possible for you to see at which "Postprocess Quality" setting the problems start occuring for you please?

It seems to appear from Low to normal. Haven't been able to test higher then that yet.

Alright, thanks for all the info mania. We'll see if we can reproduce it on our side as well.