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(BattlEyE:Global Ban #8b302b)
Closed, ResolvedPublic


good afternoon. I've only played, this game like 2 weeks and i don't understand what happened, has appeared to me while playing, I do not remember using anything illegal. do not know how to fix that I have that message, I could not connect to any server.


Legacy ID
No Bug
Game Crash
Additional Information

I think I was in a public server, can not remember. All I remember was my game was slow and and the game was lagged.
sorry but do not have the version of the game uninstall it, thought the problem would be fixed. I think it was "0.49.124971"

Event Timeline

frankie20 edited Additional Information. (Show Details)Oct 6 2014, 8:21 PM
frankie20 set Category to Game Crash.
frankie20 set Reproducibility to Always.
frankie20 set Severity to None.
frankie20 set Resolution to No Bug.
frankie20 set Legacy ID to 4054390828.May 8 2016, 8:14 PM

you got global banned for whatever reason. You have to contact Battleye support as nobody in here can help you, only battleye deals with bans and unbans.
Battleye support:
please keep in mind that if you did actually hack or use illegal products then they won't unban you because when it's detected it's saved into their database so lying won't get you anywhere.

andy added a comment.Oct 7 2014, 9:00 AM

As claws4life said, there is nothing we can do here. Please connect BattleEye directly at [email protected]