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Itensive stuttering.
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Everytime i play, i get itense stuterring that can frezze the game for 5 seconds, it happens the most when im near of players can this problem be fixed before beta.


Legacy ID
Have Not Tried
Game Freezes
Additional Information

I will put a video.

Event Timeline

leeroynewman edited Additional Information. (Show Details)Oct 1 2014, 7:05 AM
leeroynewman set Category to Game Freezes.
leeroynewman set Reproducibility to Have Not Tried.
leeroynewman set Severity to None.
leeroynewman set Resolution to Duplicate.
leeroynewman set Legacy ID to 695733237.May 8 2016, 8:10 PM
andy added a comment.Oct 29 2014, 1:16 PM

Hi leeroynewman,
this could be a problem with your hardware, would it be possible to provide your DxDiag report by attaching it to this ticket?
Similarly, this could be caused by latency, do you believe that your internet connection should be able to handle DayZ gameplay?
Thank you,

It seems to happens a lot in cities, all building are passing from low poly to high poly, it cant be my internet connection, it wasnt doing this before.

andy added a comment.Nov 3 2014, 3:19 PM

as your hardware should be capable of handling DayZ pretty well, I believe this issue seems to be related to general performance problems (#17013). Please feel free to refer to the mentioned ticket for future updates.
Also, please be patient as optimizing the game might take some time.
Thank you,