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Player got banned for joining a pirated server. What if he joined a friend from steam "Join" function?
Closed, ResolvedPublic


I'm writing this ticket on behalf of a community member, that is not speaking English.

His problem is the global ban, that he received after joining a server by IP. He bought the game in Steam. He couldn't know it was a pirated server until he saw vehicles. He tried it, sat and drove and disconnected. After that he got a global ban. It was approximately at 0.46 in July.

There are very interesting arguements

  1. He couldn't know the server is pirated. He found some forum thread and copypasted it's IP
  2. The game allwos joining any IP without checking it's official whitelist status.
  3. It checks version but never checks files or trustwothiness.
  4. There is NO OFFICIAL OR ANY OTHER WARNING MESSAGE for user that warns them about NOT joining custom IP, because it may result in ban. Sometimes servers are not listed in the browser or lag and you can only find it by custom\remote ip connection.
  5. The only thing that was told was Senchi who posted this on his twitter. And this twit actually made this player contact me and complain, that he finally understood the nature of his ban and why developers had no warning ingame. He lost money and feels frustrated even more, becuase now he got banned in all BIS games.

I know BIS do not deal with unbanning. As well as BE not doing any unbans. But I insist on discussing this situation and contact BE for ligting bans for using speedhacks on pirated servers - this what BE detects driving a car on pirated server - speedhack.

If BE is not cooperative, please, investigate and may be you can issue a refund or any other kind of official support.

This problem lies far beyond alpha security issues and you will not deny that any new player is NOT safe and can get a global ban easily after joining custom IP server or EVEN joining a friend that plays on pirated server+.

Terms of service state it's fobidden to use modified content and join modified servers, but how can a player know the server is modified?

I hope you devote appropriate attention to this issue.


Legacy ID
No Bug
Additional Information

Can't make this ticket private because issue is not unique and players want totrack feedback.

Event Timeline

Bohemia edited Additional Information. (Show Details)Sep 22 2014, 9:16 AM
Bohemia set Category to Multiplayer.
Bohemia set Reproducibility to Sometimes.
Bohemia set Severity to None.
Bohemia set Resolution to No Bug.
Bohemia set Legacy ID to 320634680.May 8 2016, 8:03 PM
Bohemia added a subscriber: Bohemia.May 8 2016, 8:03 PM

grammar, typos fix

Everyone forgot about this topic? :(

Hello mikhail,

Players will not be banned by accidentally joining a pirated server. However, as you mention "He couldn't know it was a pirated server until he saw vehicles", at this time he should probably have chosen to log off the server. Instead, at this point it turned from accidentally accessing a pirated server to deliberately engaging with pirated content.

All I can recommend is that like always, players should contact BattlEye in order to get their bans investigated since I can't confirm for sure if driving a car would actually have been cause for a ban. Only BE would know.
