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Meat on portable gas stove switches directly from raw to burned
Closed, ResolvedPublic


I tried this 3 different times on different servers and days.
When I cook meat (one time it was fish) in a frying pan/cooking pot on a portable gas stove, the meat turns directly from "raw" to "burned". I tried it multiple times, I thought I messed up and missed the "cooked" phase.

Cooking with a fireplace always works very well, so generally the system works.


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

Cook meat on portable gas stove --> raw to burned, no "cooked" phase

Additional Information

Would be interesting if the error is on my end or I got server lags or something like that every time I tried or a known bug.

Event Timeline

CaptainKroog edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
CaptainKroog set Category to category:items.
CaptainKroog set Reproducibility to Always.
CaptainKroog set Severity to None.
CaptainKroog set Resolution to Duplicate.
CaptainKroog set Legacy ID to 4225733865.May 8 2016, 7:57 PM
Dennooo added a subscriber: Dennooo.May 8 2016, 7:57 PM

It's been like this for a while actually, tried it severel diffrent times but it always gets burnt.

andy added a subscriber: andy.May 8 2016, 7:57 PM
andy added a comment.Sep 18 2014, 11:33 AM

this is a duplicate report of #0012061.
We are aware of the problem.
Thank you!