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Game will crash for everyone in server when some dies
Closed, ResolvedPublic


When one person dies for any reason in the experimental servers everyone's game will crash at the same time except for the person that died. They are the only one left in the server. I know this because when I fell off a roof and died my friend lost connection to the game at the exact same time. We noticed that the servers where restarting very frequently and we were also experiencing game crashes a lot. We then tested it in other servers and nothing changed. Also, one time we were in a server with only two other people and both of our games crashed at the same time once again. When we opened Dayz and joined the same server we were just in, only one of the two people was still there.


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

All you have to do is join a server with a friend or run around until you find someone (your game will most likely crash before you do) and watch them die. your game will crash the second they are dead. But the person that died will be able to re-spawn in an empty server.

Additional Information

I would have to say that this is kind of a big issue. Makes experimental servers unplayable.

Event Timeline

gr3g137 edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Sep 11 2014, 2:19 AM
gr3g137 edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
gr3g137 set Category to General.
gr3g137 set Reproducibility to Always.
gr3g137 set Severity to None.
gr3g137 set Resolution to Duplicate.
gr3g137 set Legacy ID to 3554321931.May 8 2016, 7:53 PM
andy added a comment.Sep 16 2014, 2:17 PM

A duplicate of #0016697.