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Police station teleport glitch
Closed, ResolvedPublic


While being in police station (in Svetlojarsk I believe) I crouched under the stairs and started eating/sorting things in my backpack... whatever. Then I forgot I was crouching and stood up. Suddenly I found myself standing on the first floor (the one above).
Then just to test this out I tried it again - walked down spiral stairs, crouched, went under them as far as I could and stood up - same effect occured, I have been teleported to the second floor. I did not do this 3rd time as I was afraid of being killed by this glitch.


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Crouch
  2. Get under the spiral stairs in police station as far as possible.
  3. Stand up. You will be teleported level up.
Additional Information

This has been while ago and I looked for this issue in here now but didn't find anything like it. Since the issue probably happened on stable 0.44 or 0.45 I am not sure if it is still relevant.

Event Timeline

dawid66666 edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
dawid66666 set Category to category:environment.
dawid66666 set Reproducibility to Sometimes.
dawid66666 set Severity to None.
dawid66666 set Resolution to Fixed.
dawid66666 set Legacy ID to 326568479.May 8 2016, 7:52 PM
andy added a comment.Sep 19 2014, 2:09 PM

Hi dawid66666,
I have tried to reproduce this and it did not seem to be possible. Looks like it has been fixed by some recent changes.
Please create a new ticket if new problems arise.
Thank you for your report,