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when chambering CZ527 single bullet floats under magazin chamber
Closed, ResolvedPublic


when chambering the CZ527/CR527 the loaded single bullet floats in the air just right under the magazin chamber. it also floats there backwards, with the tip of the bullet aiming towards the backend of the gun.


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

After chambering a single bullet into the gun, I ejected or shot it to chamber another one. tried it a couple times and it always ended up the same.

Additional Information

just tried it on experimental. did not check on stable!

Event Timeline

Maix edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Jul 31 2014, 3:53 PM
Maix edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Maix set Category to category:weapons.
Maix set Reproducibility to Always.
Maix set Severity to None.
Maix set Resolution to Open.
Maix set Legacy ID to 2853988082.May 8 2016, 7:16 PM
Bohemia added a subscriber: Maix.Jul 31 2014, 3:53 PM

@Geez hi
Maybe close this ticket because it's obsolete?

Geez closed this task as Resolved.Jun 16 2020, 2:37 PM
Geez claimed this task.