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Shotgun shells can't be ejected on Stable Branch
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Shotgun shells can not be ejected, once loaded.


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

-Load shotgun
-Right click on shells to eject
-Doesn't work

Additional Information

I've fired a single shot multiple times now and tried to eject the remaining round, to load a full two. It does not seem to let you eject current rounds.

Event Timeline

Bororm edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Jul 31 2014, 12:47 AM
Bororm edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Bororm set Category to category:weapons.
Bororm set Reproducibility to Always.
Bororm set Severity to None.
Bororm set Resolution to Duplicate.
Bororm set Legacy ID to 3848138805.May 8 2016, 7:15 PM
Bororm added a subscriber: Bororm.

An additional bug some times occurs where you end up with a stack of 0 rounds loaded in the shotgun, after firing two shots. This leads to the shotgun effectively being completely broken, as you can't eject these phantom rounds to load new ones.

Dropping the shotgun/relogging doesn't work, and it appears this way to other players as well.

Bump. Just happened to me. Can't eject the 2 shells in my shotgun.

Had this yesterday too. Even giving the shotgun to another player did not give the option to eject the shells. The whole option was not available. Pressing R to reload did not work too.

andy added a comment.Oct 22 2014, 9:54 AM

thank you for your report.
We are aware of the issue and looking into it, please see #16806.