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Spawn Killed by Zombie and Zombies running through walls.
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Me and two friends were entering a city last night after a long looting session. We were in perfect health, energized and hydrated. We decided to log off for the night near a shack. Later when I decided to hop on for some more looting, I logged in to the sound of hitting and my character grunting. Before I could even finish logging in, a Zombie had broken my leg, my arm, caused me to lose a LOT of blood and I couldn't even react. By the time I finished logging in, I had already lost almost all of my blood and, like I said, had several broken limbs. In less than 10 seconds I was killed and lost all of my hard earned gear.

I understand this is an Alpha and I am not complaining or bashing this game, in fact quite the opposite. While I am quite pissed with how it worked out (and would love nothing more than to be able to spawn near my friends with even some of my loot) I just wanted to suggest fixing the ability to be spawn killed that quickly. After working as hard as we did to get what we had, to be killed without even having the ability to defend myself was extremely frustrating. Also, Zombies are having the ability to glitch through buildings and attack us inside. This is also quite frustrating as well! I am sure all of the millions of us survivors would appreciate these fixes. Again, not complaining just trying to help make this already fantastic game even better!
Many thanks from a die-hard DayZ fan!
Evan P.


Legacy ID
Operating System
Windows 7
Steps To Reproduce


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Event Timeline

Blackjack416 edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Blackjack416 set Category to Other.
Blackjack416 set Reproducibility to N/A.
Blackjack416 set Severity to None.
Blackjack416 set Resolution to Open.
Blackjack416 set Legacy ID to 1469520789.May 8 2016, 7:12 PM
This comment was removed by LouMontana.
LouMontana closed this task as Resolved.Dec 25 2024, 9:50 PM
LouMontana updated the task description. (Show Details)
LouMontana set Operating System to Windows 7.
LouMontana added a subscriber: LouMontana.