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[FIRE]-Serveradmins use their rights to kick and kill other players.
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Server-IP: ""

The admins of this server kick other players to save their gear when they die and also kick to kill other players. This is extremly unfair and needs to stop.

I attached a screenshot which shows that they try to threaten us to kill us with a server restart. (Eventhough they actually killed one of us by kicking us.)

My mates and I had two different occasions when we were on this server:

1.) Back in version 0.45 (27/06/14) when we were on their server a group of players surrounded the building which we were in. [FIRE]Pignaccia chatted with us ingame and threatened to restart their server to kill us if we don't drop our backpacks, weapons and everything we have and leave the building. (That was the occassion when the attached screenshot was taken.) Until 3 of us died we killed most of them (9 of them). After the fight when I tried to run back they kicked everyone (when I was just a few hundred meters away). When I rejoined the server only members of the [FIRE]-clan and the [ACDA]-clan (who are their friends) where still on the server. I got kicked again after a very short time. It seemed like they wanted to loot the dead bodies.

2.) Yesterday (05/07/14, Version 0.46) we were on their server again and we fought in Berezino. We killed two players and I died. Checking pulse showed one of them was a member of the [FIRE]-clan, the clan who owns the server. My mates took my gear and dropped it inside a building to save it while I ran back. I spawned near the far away so it took me some time to run back.
Meanwhile a fresh-spawn run up to the building where my mates and my gear was in. My mates killed him again since he tried to attack them. When they checked the pulse of him they saw his name. It was the member of the [FIRE]-Clan we killed before. The same fresh-spawn run again to the building. But this time he stood outside. Then everyone on the server got kicked. One of my mates logged back into another server and he was a fresh-spawn, so he got killed after the kick by the guy who stood infront of the building. The guy who stood infront of the building was able to steal my gear the easy way which is really unfair. When I rejoined the server again only members of the [FIRE]-clan and the [ACDA]-clan were still on the server.


Legacy ID
No Bug
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Join their server.
  2. Kill one of them. (Sometimes this step isn't needed since they want to play on their own sometimes and then they kick everyone eventhough nobody got killed.)
  3. Get kicked.

Sometimes you can play on their server and nothing happens, but when ever there is one of them online their is a chance that this happens.

Event Timeline

Konseq edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Jul 6 2014, 3:24 PM
Konseq set Category to Server.
Konseq set Reproducibility to Sometimes.
Konseq set Severity to None.
Konseq set Resolution to No Bug.
Konseq set Legacy ID to 245464052.May 8 2016, 6:55 PM

Hi Konseq,

Thanks for sending in your feedback regarding this issue. You can always report abusive servers by reporting them directly to the server hosts:

Multiplay: [email protected]
Vilayer: [email protected]
Fragnet: [email protected] or submit a ticket to their abuse department
GamingDeluxe: [email protected]
Gameservers: [email protected]

If you don't know which GSP the offending server is rented from, just send the report to all of them and they'll sort it out themselves.

  • Remember to include the IP and port numbers, the server name is not enough*

You find these numbers by highlighting the server in the server browser, then selecting 'Detail' at the lower right. If you can't remember which server you were playing on, you can find it under the 'History' tab.

For future reference regarding reporting of servers, please feel free to use the information in the following post from the DayZ forums:

