The function `dGeomCreateCylinder` is unlinked. The other `dGeomCreate...` functions work as expected.
There is no way to set the lifetime for a rigid body either created through `Object::CreateDynamicPhysics` or `dBodyCreate...` . After ~15 seconds the rigid body is removed from the world taking with it collision and the ability to use `SetVelocity`.
`dBodyApply...` has no effect on `Object` instances - but works fine with `Car` instances. Instead `dBodySetAngularVelocity` and `SetVelocity` has to be used but these lead to improper physics simulations.
(Minor issue) The method `Entity::OnCreatePhysics` is called both when the rigid body is created and deleted for the `Object`. This can be taken advantage to know when the rigid body is destroyed except for 1 frame the rigid body does not exist and can allow the Object to fail collision detection (fall through terrain/other objects).