= 1.1 =
Next table presents issues when dummy sounds was added to cycle sounds - this is loop sounds, dummes must be deleted, because there unnatural sound cuts from vegetation objects:
| class | comment | reference //(i.e. correct configured classes)// |
| **`Insect_Day_SoundShader`** | 3 dummy sounds - plant may insta stop playing sounds for 10 sec due to a dummy sound | `Insect_Night_SoundShader` and `Insect_Day_Winged_SoundShader` |
| **`Rain_PlantB_Medium_SoundShader`** | 2 dummy sounds - plant may insta stop playing sounds for 3 sec due to a dummy sound | `Rain_PlantB_Light_SoundShader` |
| **`Rain_PlantB_Heavy_SoundShader`** | 2 dummy sounds - plant may insta stop playing sounds for 3 sec due to a dummy sound | `Rain_PlantB_Light_SoundShader` |
| **`Wind_LeavesC_SoundShader`** | 2 dummy sounds - plant may insta stop playing sounds for 15 sec due to a dummy sound | `Wind_LeavesB_SoundShader` |
//Another reference is the configuration of similar classes from DayZ//
= 1.2 =
For ↑↑↑↑↑ same classes ↑↑↑↑↑ need remove chance for play, for now there 90% chance, this is can make sound glitch too. Look at those same references ↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑ to see the correct valuse of the chance (100 % is correct, this is a looped sound, there should be no chances)
**Indeed, after making the changes listed above, the environmental sounds is much more consistent and does not glitch.**
= 2. =
Memory point names in CfgEnvSpatialSounds for medium and large domesctic trees incorrect
See //a3\sounds_f_enoch\config.cpp// **line 966** and **line 978**, for this classes there are a 6 vegetation objects
| //CfgEnvSpatialSounds class// | //current memPoint name// | **//correct is//** |
| class `sound_TreeMediumLeavesDomestic` line 966 | sound_TreeMediumLeaves | **sound_TreeMediumLeavesDomestic** |
| class `sound_TreeLargeLeavesDomestic` line 978 | sound_TreeLargeLeaves | **sound_TreeLargeLeavesDomestic** |
# sound_TreeMediumLeavesDomestic:
- t_malusdomestica_2s
- t_pyruscommunis_2s
# sound_TreeMediumLeavesDomestic:
- t_juglansregia_2s
- t_juglansregia_3s
- t_malusdomestica_3s
- t_pyruscommunis_3s
↑ they are quiet for all time
= 3. =
Using the information from this page [[ https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_Sound:_cfgSound3DProcessors#Creating_3D_Processors | CfgSound3DProcessors - Creating 3D Processors ]] seems wrong that classes //`RainRoofSmall3DProcessingType`//, //`RainRoofMedium3DProcessingType`//, //`RainRoofLarge3DProcessingType`//, //`PLant3DProcessingType`//, //`SpotFx3DProcessingType`//, //`ShowerNozzle3DProcessingType`// is outside **CfgSound3DProcessors** class
> 3D Processors are defined ONLY in the cfgSound3DProcessors class.