1. In mission editor, place any soldier as the player. Place another nearby subordinate unit, set to playable.
2. Preview mission.
3. Team switch to unit 2.
4. Modify your stance (Ctrl+W or Ctrl+S) to any non standard stance
5. Team switch to unit 1.
6. Order unit 2 to move to some destination. Observe results.
7. Order unit 2 to switch to another stance, (eg, stand up, crouch, prone), and move to some destination. and moveObserve results. Observe resultsNote they can generally move if the AI wants to be in the general stance they are stuck in.
8. Repeat test, leaving unit 2 in other modified stance.
Alternatively, use script commands:
(units (group player) select 1) playMove "AadjPknlMstpSrasWrflDdown"