Would it be possible to add another parameter to BIS_fnc_addRespawnPosition to add a custom name. (Would involve shifting positionID in the function to param 3)
As a quick fix just let us setVariable the OBJECT and just add a check for us in fn_respawnMenuPositions.sqf . e.g something like.. (switch statement from fn_respawnMenuPositions : line 209 )
case (typename objnull): {
_xVeh = vehicle _x;
_menuName = _x getVariable ["BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition_name",nil];
_text = if ( isNil "_menuName" ) then { name _x } else { _menuName };
if (isNil "_menuName") then {
if (isnull group _x) then {
_text = gettext (configfile >> "cfgvehicles" >> typeof _xVeh >> "displayName");
} else {
if !(isplayer _x) then {_text = format ["%1: %2",localize "str_player_ai",_text]};
_picture = gettext (configfile >> "cfgvehicles" >> typeof _xVeh >> "icon") call bis_fnc_textureVehicleIcon;
_canAdd = !isnull _x;
Needs testing, or some other fix to your liking would be much appreciated.