# Dead bodies do not get removed at all
# Vehicles get removed despite limit
# SQF commands have no affect
respawn = 3;//BASE
respawnDelay = 5;
respawnVehicleDelay = 5;
//respawnTemplates[] = { "Counter", "Wave" };
//Sets the mode for corpse removal manager.
//0 = None - None of the units are managed by the manager
//1 = All - All units are managed by the manager
//2 = None_But_Respawned - Only units that can respawn are managed by the manager
//3 = All_But_Respawned - All units are managed by the manager with exception of respawned (opposite to mode 2)
corpseManagerMode = 1; // Default: 0 for SP, 2 for MP
//Corpse limit before which ( <= ) corpseRemovalMaxTime applies and after which ( > ) corpseRemovalMinTime applies.
corpseLimit = 5; // Default: 15
//Remove all bodies that have been dead longer than corpseRemovalMinTime when corpseLimit is reached.
corpseRemovalMinTime = 30; // seconds. Default: 10
//Maximum time a corpse can remain on the ground if total number of corpses is equal or under corpseLimit.
corpseRemovalMaxTime = 60; // seconds. Default: 3600
//Sets the mode for wreck removal manager.
//0 = None - None of the vehicles are managed by the manager
//1 = All - All vehicles are managed by the manager
//2 = None_But_Respawned - Only vehicles that can respawn are managed by the manager
//3 = All_But_Respawned - All vehicles are managed by the manager with exception of respawned (opposite to mode 2)
wreckManagerMode = 1; // Default: 0 for SP, 2 for MP
//Vehicle wreck limit before which ( <= ) wreckRemovalMaxTime applies and after which ( > ) wreckRemovalMinTime applies .
wreckLimit = 5; // seconds. Default: 15
//Remove all wrecks that have existed longer than wreckRemovalMinTime when wreckLimit is breached.
wreckRemovalMinTime = 30; // seconds. Default: 10
//Maximum time a wreck can remain on the ground if total number of wrecks is equal or under wreckLimit.
wreckRemovalMaxTime = 60; // seconds. Default: 36000 (10 hours)
//The minimum distance between corpse or wreck and nearest player before the corpse or wreck is allowed to be removed by the garbage collector.
minPlayerDistance = 50; // meters. Default: 0