# Inventory UI way too big. you need to scroll a lot if you have backpack, vest, eg.
# minus 10fps as normal at electro towncenter, near officebuilding/supermarket/tent/guardhouse
# F5 gets you in a bugged animation. hands come down after half a second again
# inventory: drag for example your hoodie with items in vicinity, you will see it twice. 1 time in vicinity 1 time still at you.
# just shot a dude with makarov 3 times in the chest, he kept on happily slaughtering me with his hatchet.
# could you change that we drop items 30cm in front again and not directly stand or lie at them when dropping in vicinity?
# you dont see the max slot number of your clothings anymore
# VON glitched out. i heared all ok for a while, suddenly i dont hear anyone anymore, not even my mate.
# VON is quite often glitched. only a reconnect helps to fix it. else you dont hear anything.
# just did a test, shot a dude 5 times in the stomach with scorpion, until he at least got healt status red.... he didnt go unconsious, i dont think this is properly balanced yet. (he only had a leather jacket)
# also just tested a headshot with shotgun (bucks), the dude survived it.
# health is still regaining too fast, without any need of cleaning wounds or risk of getting a wound infected, eg.
# a handcuffed dude had the handcuffs floating 1 meter next to him
# guns are jamming too often, even in worn state.
# Infected death animations at a distance were bugging out
# you can still jump in any base or destroy any base within a minute. AND guess the only 3 digit lockcode within max 30minutes.
# could you make sicknesses / wound system, similar to 0.62, so you have to desinfect wounds, it you need medicine so you regain health after beeing injured, and so on?