FM 7-8 Infantry Rifle Platoon and Squad
(a) The squad leader designates one fire team to support the movement of the other team by fires.
(b) The squad leader designates a distance or direction for the team to move. He accompanies one of the fire teams.
(c) Soldiers must maintain contact with team members and leaders.
(d) Soldiers time their firing and reloading in order to sustain their rate of fire.
(e) The moving fire team proceeds to the next covered position. Teams use the wedge formation when assaulting. Soldiers move in rushes or by crawling.
(f) The squad leader directs the next team to move.
(g) If necessary, the team leader directs soldiers to bound forward as individuals within buddy teams. Soldiers coordinate their movement and fires with each other within the buddy team. They maintain contact with their team leader.
(h) Soldiers fire from covered positions. They select the next covered position before moving. They either rush forward (no more than 5 seconds), or use high or low crawl techniques based on terrain and enemy fires.