Hello I'm German. Hope you can understand what I mean.
Its an new, but very big problem since last update. Unplayble and I have no more idea how to fix it. I'm level 100+ in KOTH and have 1000hours of play. SO THIS PROBLEM WAS AT NO TIME BEFOR (and I didnt change anything in game)!
The Problem / bug:
In all Vehicles and Airunits ANY ZOOM of Gun / commanders is not more useable! If I press once a zoom key ("+" for example) of gunner or commander NOTHING happens. I have to press most of time 20 times, sometimes 50 times (really 50 times!!!) the zoom key until I get 1 (!!!) zoom step. To zoom more in, or out too, I have to press 20 - 50 times again.
To zoom in with infanterie gun or 3rd view of vehicle, etc. works fine!
Befor the last update, the zoom works ABSOLUTLY 100% PERFECT. I changed zoom keys, I changed my keyboard, I change the zoom keys to mouse ... i chanced settings to lowest performance and view distance .... But all the time the same problem. BUT ONLY WITH VEHICLE AND AIRPLANES GUN ZOOMS!!!
Seems like lag. But there is ABSOLUTLY NO problem or lag with Vehicle / Airunit Gun shooting, use commander smoke, set gun distance etc. All that works fine and in the moment I press a key...
This problem still there, also in in training area, or empty servers. But at server with some Players on it, its much more intensiv.