I would love an sqf command to allow us to forcefully set a players pitch as the current ways for example **setVectorDirAndUp** and **BIS_fnc_setPitchBank**, do not work 100% of the time and doesn't work as I intend when you attach the player to an object in the way I would like it. (The behaviour when attached to an object is fine, with these commands, but I'd like a way to keep the feet planted like in traditional gameplay (aiming up/down)
I am creating an advanced zero gravity script a demo video is attached for reference
[[ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dXO_vM-euW0 | Demo Video ]]
But currently my main issue is that when the player is "attached" to a surface I would like them to be able to aim up and down, currently I do this using **setVectorDirAndUp**, but this causes animation issues as the players feet follow the pitch reference the picture below
The image below shows what I would like this command to be able to make it look like (typical aiming behaviour)
My suggestion is to have a command such as **setAimDirection** or **setAimPitch** to allow us to control this system directly which seems to currently be only accessible by the engine itself