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[Feature Request] Set Player's aim pitch (aim up/down)
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I would love an sqf command to allow us to forcefully set a players pitch as the current ways for example setVectorDirAndUp and BIS_fnc_setPitchBank, do not work 100% of the time and doesn't work as I intend when you attach the player to an object. (This behaviour when attached to an object is fine, with these commands, but I am requesting a way to keep the feet planted like in traditional gameplay reference the images below for examples)

I am creating an advanced zero gravity script a demo video is attached for reference
Demo Video
But currently my main issue is that when the player is "attached" to a surface I would like them to be able to aim up and down, currently I do this using setVectorDirAndUp, but this causes animation issues as the players feet follow the pitch reference the picture below

The image below shows what I would like this command to be able to make it look like (typical aiming behaviour)

My suggestion is to have a command such as setAimDirection or setAimPitch to allow us to control this system directly which seems to currently be only accessible by the engine itself


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Feature Request
Steps To Reproduce

Attach the player to an object and try to set their pitch, their feet will follow this new pitch rather than staying planted, although this is intended behaviour, that is why this is a feature request not a bug report as a command to instead control the torso twisting would be ideal

Event Timeline

Luke442 created this task.Jan 28 2025, 3:20 AM
Luke442 updated the task description. (Show Details)
Luke442 updated the task description. (Show Details)