How to reproduce crash in repro_texturescrash.Stratis.rar mission
1) Go to Editor, select Stratis
2) Load texturescrash.Stratis mission
3) Preview the mission
4) Select "Teleport" in action menu, it should teleport player to the airfield which has lots of different buildings spawned
5) It will take some good time to load all the models and textures
6) Open Splendid Camera
7) Fly to Agia Marina close to some building in the town
8) Wait for everything in Agia Marina to load
9) Fly back to teleport location on the airfield where everything is located, some buildings will start to reload and it might trigger the crash. If no crash happens, repeat from step 7)
Repro steps and crash on video: (sorry for whole 10 minutes of video but I decided to record everything right from game's launch and to the crash)
I also noticed that it might require you to go back to main menu and load mission again. I can't say that it is required but this is how it worked for me in the video.
Crash dump (repro_mission_crash_logs.rar) is result of exactly these operations, it crashed for me as soon as I flew back to spawned building with splendid camera, half of buildings had low textures for me and game crashed. It might request low end hardware to easily reproduce this and it might not trigger easily on high end PCs.