For update 2.14 (Release Candidate), the abbreviation [LDF] was not translated, in all other cases translation presents, @falagor can you please fix it
| key | now | **change to** |
| str_a3_cfgvehicles_land_battlefieldcross_01_ldf_f0 | Мемориал поля битвы [LDF] | **Мемориал поля битвы [ВСЛ]** |
| str_a3_cfgvehicles_land_battlefieldcross_01_green_ldf_f0 | Мемориал поля битвы (зеленый) [LDF] | **Мемориал поля битвы (зеленый) [ВСЛ]** |
Next texts translated as if they show a state, but this is names of interaction for players, the correct translation would be (see `STR_A3_CfgVehicles_siren_on` & `STR_A3_CfgVehicles_siren_off` as example ):
| key | now | **change to** |
| STR_A3_CfgVehicles_beacons_off | Маячки выключены | **Выкл. маячки** |
| STR_A3_CfgVehicles_beacons_on | Маячки включены | **Вкл. маячки** |
misc, The word "Fuel" is not translated, in new versions of the object the translation is correct, see `str_a3_cfgvehicles_land_canisterfuel_white_f0`
| key | now | **change to** |
| str_a3_cfgvehicles_land_canisterfuel_f0 | Канистра (Fuel) | **Канистра (топливо)** |