1. Download the attached example mission and extract to your User Missions directory
2. Open the Editor and load Commander_with_Terminal.Stratis, click preview
3. You will start as the commander of an AMV-7 Marshall at the southern end of the runway, with a UAV terminal in your inventory. Note I have made sure you are not the group commander in order to demonstrate that this bug occurs when in command of a vehicle, not just when you are in command of a group while seated in a vehicle.
4. Use the UAV terminal (via the action menu) to connect to the Stomper UGV located at the Northern end of the runway.
5. Assign waypoints for the UGV to move to by ctrl+clicking the map in the UGV terminal.
6. Observe that you issue move commands to the driver of your Marshall whenever you assign a position for the UGV to move to.