Karel Moricky, modified by Killzone_Kid
Initialize mission params and create log in the diary
//Only in singlplayer check if parameters should be initialized automatically or are handled differently
if (!isMultiplayer && {missionNamespace getVariable ["BIS_fnc_initParamsExitEarly", false]}) exitWith {false};
_fnc_scriptName = "param";
private _diaryArray = [];
private _diaryAvailable = hasInterface && !isNull player;
private _fnc_pushToDiaryArray =
params ["_cfg", "_value", ["_param", ""]];
private _valueTitle = getText (_cfg >> format ["title%1", _param]);
if (_valueTitle isEqualTo "") then {_valueTitle = [_param, configName _cfg] select (_param isEqualTo "")};
_diaryArray pushBack [
getArray (_cfg >> format ["texts%1", _param]) param [
getArray (_cfg >> format ["values%1", _param]) find _value,
//--- Check if primary params exist then add them to the diary array
if (_diaryAvailable) then
private _param1 = ["param1", nil] call BIS_fnc_getParamValue;
if (!isNil "_param1") then {[missionConfigFile, _param1, "param1"] call _fnc_pushToDiaryArray};
private _param2 = ["param2", nil] call BIS_fnc_getParamValue;
if (!isNil "_param2") then {[missionConfigFile, _param2, "param2"] call _fnc_pushToDiaryArray};
private _value = configName _x call BIS_fnc_getParamValue;
if (_diaryAvailable) then {[_x, _value] call _fnc_pushToDiaryArray};
if (isServer || getNumber (_x >> "isGlobal") > 0) then
private _code = _x call
private _functionVar = getText (_this >> "function");
if !(_functionVar isEqualTo "") exitWith
private _function = missionNamespace getVariable _functionVar;
if (isNil "_function" || {!(_function isEqualType {})}) then
["Function '%1' is not found or invalid, cannot initialize '%2' mission param.", _functionVar, configName _this] call BIS_fnc_error;
_function = {};
private _scriptFile = getText (_this >> "file");
if !(_scriptFile isEqualTo "") exitWith {compile preprocessFileLineNumbers _scriptFile};
//--- Call params function if there is one
[_value] call _code;
forEach ("true" configClasses getMissionConfig "Params");
//--- Prepare diary records
if !(_diaryArray isEqualTo []) then
private _text = "";
_text = _text + format [
"<img image='#(argb,8,8,3)color(1,1,1,0.1)' height='1' width='640' /><br /><br /><font>%1</font><br /><font size='16' face='PuristaLight'>%2</font><br />",
_x select 0,
_x select 1
forEach _diaryArray;
//--- Add diary records
[player, localize "STR_DISP_XBOX_EDITOR_WIZARD_PARAMS", _text] call BIS_fnc_createLogRecord;