The first part of Mk20 tails seems to disappear but appears in the middle, watch the YT video →{F4993107}
Check the settings for these Sound Sets:
- Mk20_Tail_SoundSet
- Katiba_Tail_SoundSet
I was unable to reproduce this problem with Mk20 + other weapons (I tried it with SPAR and MX)for these classes was added parameter `customCategory="limit2";` which apparently completely destroys any second sound shader of these weapons. This is strange because there will be more than two this assault rifles on the battlefield in most cases. Indeed, if these rifles are fired together, glitches in sound will be clearly audible →
**No any** other weapon has this parameter, check other classes, for example: `Rifle_Tail_Base_SoundSet`, `ADR_97_Tail_SoundSet`, etc…
`customCategory="limit2";` must be removed from Mk20 and Katiba echo sound sets, result of this you can check in this video →