Problem in the BIS_fnc_planeEjectionFX, this is a part of the Arma 3 ejecting ability included into **core functionality** for all jets
Problem presents in all MP scenarios with eject-supported jets
See YT video [[ | how this designed in SP, and how it in MP ]]
I tested on a dedicated server with two players. The player who was on the ground found problems in (//`a3\functions_f_jets\functions\ejection\fn_planeEjectionFX.sqf`//):
# The 3D sound from the ejection seat does not work, which it should play (//Line 53 in script//)
# Omitted params in say3D code part, thus the required maximum sound audibility distance (1400m) is dropped to 100m (//as default for say3D//)
# Three particle effects (//1 lightpoint and 2 particlesource//) in script do not work
I can suggest the following solutions:
**1.1** Remote Execute the say3D
**1.2** Write the parameters that the sound should have (they are in //CfgSounds// → //Plane_Fighter_01_ejection_ext_sound//)
**1.3** Result (Line 53) → form `_ejectionSeat say3D _ejectionSoundExt;` to **`[_ejectionSeat, [_ejectionSoundExt, 1400, 1, false, 0]] remoteExec ["say3D"];`**
**2** the `createVehicleLocal` in particle effects code was swhitched to **`createVehicle`** (Lines 59-71)
After these changes, the 3D sound will work, this 3D sound will be audible at the correct distance and particle effects will work, check this [[ | YT video after changes in MP Dedi server ]]