# Nightlight is better, still the intensity needs to be lowered by around 25 - 30%, INSIDE a house or smth it should be lowered even more. at least 50%. For now it is NOT possible to hide from someone inside a dark room at all. It also is too bright if you just look at a house for nearby. Maybe the radius also should be lowered again by another 20%
# a lot of server crashes
# people around you often are stuck for half a second (a lot of minilags)
# mouseover your jacket (and similar) doesnt show the status of it anymore in the "container" area. You only see if its damaged if you hover over it on the very top of your inventory.
# zombies can still hit you if they start the animation, even you are 3 meters away.
# if you are double carrying guns, and swith around a bit with hotbar, other people often see your gun bugged, in the meaning of you are carrying it somehow behind and in a strange angle.
# Still experiencing client freezes when you are getting close (1km) to a base or another player
# i hit a guy 3 times center mass with AK47, he had a field vest. he survived and shot me.
# me and a mate got stuck in the normal old barracks in VMC several times. Like we could not really run anymore, just warped around a bit inside. We had to reconnect to fix it. (happend twice in 2 different barracks), also happend in different buildings like restaurant near firestation electro, appartement buildings electro.
# from awkwardTickler: I changed shirts by dragging and dropping over my existing shirt. When I did, I lost all the items inside.
# rifles with hunting scope mounted show a wrong ranging when not zoomed in the scope.
# you can use a ducttape unlimited if you restrain yourself and then wiggle free.
# the Inventory interface looks.. sorry terrible. The full icons are too big. We are on PC, not on XBOX, please dont let us scroll all the time. All the icons should be way smaller, so most equipment can easily fit on one screen. It was acutally pretty good in older versions... Hardly ever needed to scroll there. (maybe let it detect if console or PC and load a differnt layout) -> Before and after: https://imgur.com/a/ELBmhx0. Before you had a way better overview of what you actually have, almost no need to scroll, just the numbers for the quantity were a bit too big. On the new Picture you dont even see my backpack yet.
# Public Announcement system is bugged, you cannot really turn it on / off even with battery attached
# canned tuna is still bugged, you often cant open it
# at the restaurant building next to firestation in electro, you are getting stuck at every door you are running trough
# often you get glitched / stuck when you fast run trough a door and close it while running trough. even you are outside, you are still somehow stuck on the otherside and cannot really run anymore. Eventually you will get teleported back to the otherside of the door. Just got killed by a zombie because of this.
# you can still jump on obstacles or friends inside houses and see trough the ceiling outside, trough all the walls. It is in fact a very effective wallhack. Please fix this asap.