The AI of Arma3 will ignore the **Completion Radius Settings**, which located in the waypoint options! This does not have any effect on AI, while it affects the player!
Repro mission for joined AI-group here -
The Completion radius of Joined allied group has 1000 mIn this example, but it not will work.the Completion radius of Joined allied group has 1000 m, Joined groupbut it not will joinwork only, for AI-squad leaders. when reached final point - "JOIN".Joined group will join only, ** Putwhen reached final point - "JOIN". Put yourself instead of the AI-commander and this will work immediately, within a 1000 m!**
Repro mission for moving AI-group here:
The Completion radius of moving AI-group has 100 m (first waypoint), but it again not will work. AI-group will switch to second waypoint, AI-squad leader will switch to second waypoint, only until it completes its first point in fact. **Put Turn on the game settings "Show waypoints" and put yourself instead of the CSAT AI-commander and this will work immediately!**