It seems when script was writen no dogs and sheep were in the game, they appeared later and sounds of these animals also appearedf mission author creating animals (“Animals” module spawned or Eden Editor entity placed) they will not behave as they do in a SP or hosted MP
Currently the function only plays sounds for goats and chickens. This FT ticket requests that they add play sounds (which are in the date) for sheep and dogsHowever agents (animals) automatically spawned on the terrain will be behave as they should as in SP
Fuction location `\a3\functions_f\ambient\fn_animalbehaviour.sqf`
To script need add this code in ======= REACTION ======= stage **line 421**:
case (_agent isKindOf "Dog_Base_F"):
"a3\sounds_f\environment\animals\dog" + selectRandom ["1","2","3","4"] + ".wss",
getPosASL _agent,
1,By default (in SP and hosted MP) this `allVariables cursorObject` will return:
45 //--→It might be worth increasing this audibility range parameter, I think the dog should be audible over a longer distance (100m ?!) "_thiscreated",
]; "_totalrunning",
}; "_task",
case (_agent isKindOf "Sheep_random_F"): "leader",
{ "_totalcreated",
playSound3D "members",
[ "_thisrunning",
"a3\animals_f_beta\sheep\data\sound\sheep" + selectRandom ["1","2","3","4","5"] + ".wss" "_tasktype",
_agent "_this",
false, "state"
getPosASL _agent,]
45Easy spot problem by exec `allVariables cursorObject` with placed by Eden **Rabbit_F** on a dedicated server, it will returns empty array `[]`
Variables **leader**, **members** and **state** creating by BIS_fnc_animalBehaviour;
};Variables **_thisCreated**, **_task**, **_taskType**, **_this** //and seems rest //creating by CfgTasks→AnimalMainTask
Since we get an empty allVariables array, can think that main animal .fsm script did not run at all for placed animal agents on dedi servers:
```CfgVehicles → Animal_Base_F → agentTasks