In the editor, at spectator mode, the AI-animated character ([this,"WATCH","FULL"] call BIS_fnc_ambientAnimCombat;) icon does not match the color of the faction.
It will be blue (blufor color), even on the red/green side. (Opfor, Independent)
The problem is also compounded by the fact that when animation ended, this icon remains at the starting point forever, even if the unit is no longer there.
As a result, the player will see blue triangles in places where there are no BLUFOR soldiers!
**During battle observation this creates confusion**, if you observe the red or green units (CSAT or AAF) then they will be displayed as BLUFOR (blue triangles)
Here the red units are represented by blue triangles.
**it is necessary that the color of the icon always matches the color of the faction to which the soldier belongs and that the icon disappears after the soldier exits the animation.**