1. Go into eden editor.
2. Place primary weapons, sidearms, launchers, and weapon attachements via the props menu.
3. Go in game.
4. Make the player stand close to the items you placed (in my experience within 70m).
5. Check your map and you will see the purple squares indicating the objects.
optional* (for if you want to reproduce the effect where the items do not show up on the map from afar, but do show up as you get closer)
6. Repeat step 1 and 2 as mentioned above.
7. Place the player far away from the objects (in my experience 110m+, but make it 200m just to be sure).
8. Go in game.
9. Direct your player towards the objects
10. Open your map.
11. walk towards the objects while observing the map. You will see purple squares appear as you approach close enough.