When placing primary weapons, sidearms, launchers, and weapon attachements in the eden editor, they show up in an undesirable way on the map in game. (see picture 1). I tested this with multiple weapons and attachments and all seemed to be affected. They show up as purple squares on the in game map.
The weapons seem to be treated like units. As they do not show up on the map when the player is far away, but once the player gets within reasonable distance and can identify the objects, they appear on the map like with friendly, enemy, civilian, and unknown units/vehicles.
The range between the player and the objects before they show up on the map was in my experience between 110m and 70m. If this is influenced by objects blocking the players vision, I do not know. In my instance, the players view on the items was not blocked.
The problem does NOT occur in the 2D editor. Here, when I place weapons or attachements on the floor they did not show up on the map, not when the player was close to the objects, and neither when the player was far away.