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Weapons and suchlike show up on map undesirably in game, when placed in eden editor
Assigned, WishlistPublic


When placing primary weapons, sidearms, launchers, and weapon attachements in the eden editor, they show up in an undesirable way on the map in game. (see picture 1). I tested this with multiple weapons and attachments and all seemed to be affected. They show up as purple squares on the in game map.

The weapons seem to be treated like units. As they do not show up on the map when the player is far away, but once the player gets within reasonable distance and can identify the objects, they appear on the map like with friendly, enemy, civilian, and unknown units/vehicles.
The range between the player and the objects before they show up on the map was in my experience between 110m and 70m. If this is influenced by objects blocking the players vision, I do not know. In my instance, the players view on the items was not blocked.

The problem does NOT occur in the 2D editor. Here, when I place weapons or attachements on the floor they did not show up on the map, not when the player was close to the objects, and neither when the player was far away.


Legacy ID
Eden Editor
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Go into eden editor.
  2. Place primary weapons, sidearms, launchers, and weapon attachements via the props menu.
  3. Go in game.
  4. Make the player stand close to the items you placed (in my experience within 70m).
  5. Check your map and you will see the purple squares indicating the objects.

optional* (for if you want to reproduce the effect where the items do not show up on the map from afar, but do show up as you get closer)

  1. Repeat step 1 and 2 as mentioned above.
  2. Place the player far away from the objects (in my experience 110m+, but make it 200m just to be sure).
  3. Go in game.
  4. Direct your player towards the objects
  5. Open your map.
  6. walk towards the objects while observing the map. You will see purple squares appear as you approach close enough.
Additional Information

With "in game" and "go in game", I mean: "in your scenario" and "play/test your scenario".

Check picture 2 and 3 for a view of my setup in the eden editor and in game respectively.

My mission is also included in the files.

Event Timeline

AngelGiven edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
AngelGiven set Category to Eden Editor.
AngelGiven set Reproducibility to Always.
AngelGiven set Severity to None.
AngelGiven set Resolution to Open.
AngelGiven set Legacy ID to 955095641.May 8 2016, 1:28 PM
AngelGiven edited a custom field.


thank you very much for your feedback, we will look into this.