It is difficult to make recommendations on reproduction.
There is everything suddenly. There are no repetitions in emergence of an event.
I can stop, make a shot. A step backwards 3-4 meters (in shelter) a trunk recharge. Step forward, shot.
I can receive blow on the second step, I can on the fifth.
I can lose maneuverability.
At some point you will not go fast. The machine will not develop speed. It suddenly disappears, just as it appeared.
It may simply disappear, or can give a kick forward, or will rotate the car.
There is no regularity of an event.
There is one regularity - reaction of the tank to contact with textures. That it is possible to see as it works at video.
Something is similar to it occurs between the tank and a surface of a landscape.
Actions on this video are controlled for my part.
Problem events, on a subject of this ticket, can't be controlled for my part.