I discovered the feature request option hidden in the category drop-down menu. I first posted this on the forums but would rather it was it's proper place. https://forums.bistudio.com/forums/topic/204541-titan-missile-system-enhancements-feature-request
**With the wonderful new Radar and Fire Control Systems arriving soon, that provide the Titan missile launcher with even more potential. Here is the wishlist for the Titan:**
**Top Down fire-mode option for any Titan missile** that can engage ground targets
- If possible, animate the launcher as it switches between direct and top down
**Standardised Fire Control for all missiles**
- Titan AP locking behaviour same as AT missile. Eg. Lock on to laser designated targets, vehicles etc
- Titan MPRL able to use Direct (SACLOS)
**Titan MPRL able to fire AT/AP missiles,** and has increased weight (May raise some eyebrows regarding balancing)
- Titan MPRL ideas at bottom of article.
**Reintroduce the RPG-42 AA missile** to counter the MPRL able to fire AT/AP
- RPG-42 AA - low range, low damage and heaviest RPG-42 munition.
**Remove Titans from CSAT and give them some new toys**
- Create clones of Titan AT and AA launchers that work essentially the same but look different (queue the jokes about Chinese made knock offs)
//**Additional thoughts (Extra Titan ammo & new AA Launcher concept):**//
**Anti-Personnel Missile (AP-APERS) **
- Directional, airborne APERS munition, works similar to claymore mine
- Detonates early, spreading shrapnel/BBs/bananas/frags in a cone shape towards the target
- Firemodes: Top Down only
- Weight: Heavier than AP missile
- Rename current AP missile to AP-HE
**Anti-Tank "Non Line Of Site" (AT-NLOS)**
- Missile homes in on a laser designated target
- Firemodes: Top Down only
- Weight: Heavier than AT missile
- Requires cooperation from players or AI for laser targeting.
- NLOS example: There's tank on a road. Soldier A is hidden in a high walled compound half a kilometre away. Solder B laser designates a target (using Laser Dasignator or UAV, etc). Soldier A turns to face general direction of target and launches missile from within compound. If missile finds the target, it homes in on the Tank. Tank goes boom.
//**If different missile ranges are a possibility then:**//
**AA Short Range Missile (AA-SR)**
- Replacement for current Titan AA missile
- Can be fired by Titan AA Launcher (read below) and Titan MPRL
- Firemodes: AA Targeting System and Direct (SACLOS) (Direct only with MPRL)
- Weight: A fraction lighter than the current AA missile
- Max Range: 3km ?
**AA Long Range Missile (AA-LR)**
- New class of AA missile
- Can only be fired by Titan AA Launcher (read below) and AA Vehicles equipped with a Titan launcher.
- Firemodes: AA Targeting System
- Weight: Very, very heavy. Max 1 reload.
- Max Range: 6km ?
**New AA Missile Launcher - Titan AA (Short & Long Range Anti-Air)**
- Ammo: AA-SR, and AA-LR listed above, default is LR
- Can receive radar from afar so can engage targets at distance
- Lighter than the MPRL, to compensate for heavy AA-LR missiles
- Long and slim appearance, like a long Titan Compact.
- Pentagonal shaped tube (themed with the square of the Compact and the hexagon of the MPRL).
- Firemode: Radar only
- Replaces the MPRL as the default AA launcher.
- Rename "Missile Specialist (AA)" to "Missile Specialist (AA-SR)"
- Add new class called "Missile Specialist AA-LR"
- Rename "Assist. Missile Specialist (AA)" to "Assist. Missile Specialist (AA-SR)"
- Add new class for "Assist. Missile Specialist (AA-LR)"
**Titan MPRL changes**
- Can fire AT and AP
- MPRL is the heaviest Titan launcher, heavier than the AA and Compact.
- 3 firemodes -Top Down, Direct (SACLOS) and AA Radar
- Can fire all AT/AP missiles using Top Down and Direct
- Can fire AA-SR missile using AA Radar and Direct
- Add new class called "Missile Specialist MPRL"
- Example soldier loadout could have one AT and one AA-SR missile, and can be paired with any Assistant Missile Specialist
**To summarise; **
If the above is possible, then the new Titan family would be;
Titan Compact - AT/AP
- Same role as before
- Now a jack of all trades, and far heavier than any other launcher
Titan AA - AA-SR/AA-LR
- Short/Long Range AA, new default AA Soldier weapon and default Long Range ammo for vehicles.
**Thank you for reading!**