**Source from where most of my concern is coming from**
**Reddit Post:** https://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/cg4p3k/changes_to_gunplay/
I would recommend reading the post and the comments, as it does contain valuable feedback for the gunplay.
**On Topic of crosshair as stated in the video:**
A possible dynamic crosshair (like in .62) may be a great idea to reintroduce, especially to allow bullets to follow the path of the barrel.
- It will allow for good feedback on point-shooting (especially in 3PP)
- The crosshair should be broader and bigger (to mitigate lasering from range)
This is optional, but can really iron out the issues with using static crosshairs which doesn't feel good & doesn't provide feedback
(Although no crosshair in 1PP is the absolute best option in which the bullet follows barrel path :D)
In particular, this comment in the post resonates heavily and springs true to the current state of PvP:
> One problem that wasn't mentioned in this video is that in current DayZ, you can come out of a full sprint and instantly snap on target with a push of the right mouse button. There is nearly 0 delay for this action and heavily favours players pushing aggressively in most situations.
All of these will help capture that immersive and authentic gunplay feel we love from ARMA and old DayZ <3