Place Sector module syncronized to BLUFOR and OPFOR game logic, also place an Area game logic which is synced to a trigger. The trigger was left as-is but has also been tested on Anyone-Present. Size of trigger was 50A 50B. Sector module was left untouched aside from naming it ST and designating it point A.
Place a BLUFOR or OPFOR player, standard rifleman. Position just outside the sector capture zone.
While ingame, advance towards so you begin to capture the sector. You should at this point, once captured the base, notice that your box displays text perfectly fine, all appears well, and you have held the zone (you can retreat out the zone to check if you have permanently).
Now, exit out back to editor and in the Expression field insert the following:
player setvariable ["sector",_this,true]
Upon entering again, you should see the captured box now broken and the points not being held properly.