Recently since 1.19 Experimental has come out, I have been witnessing non stop issue with the rear wheel animation on the left side, it constantly likes to flicker up and down across the whole animation phase at some points driving around, I have confirmed this happens with all vanilla vehicles including modded vehicles no matter what you go and seems to occur more in the lower gears. - https://clipchamp.com/watch/CDCXVs4KhG8 video to example of the issue
Olga also has off centre wheels meaning when they spin, they spin off center and look wobbly.
Automatic vehicles like to stop moving if you hit something at a fast speed with deactivated vehicle damage, then it will make the rpm drop to 0 and you have to turn the vehicle off and on again to get it moving, only seems to be automatic vehicles this happens on.
Also with manual sometimes if you change gears too quick, your vehicle wont move in gear 1, but move to gear N and it will reverse acting as its in reverse gear and sometimes if you're in neutral you can drive forwards like you're in gear 1 this seems to happen when you're gearing fast and increasing and decreasing RPM's at fast speeds.