1.) Open Editor)
2.) Place carrier
3.) Launch mission
4.) Vida Debug console run this script:
_carrierObjects = carrierName nearObjects ["Land_Carrier_01_hull_07_F", 100];
CarrierPart = _carrierObjects param [0, objNull];
_carrierPartCfgCatapult = configfile >> "CfgVehicles" >> "Land_Carrier_01_hull_07_F" >> "Catapults" >> "Catapult1";
CarrierPartanimations = getArray (_carrierPartCfgCatapult >> "animations");
[CarrierPart, CarrierPartanimations, 10] spawn BIS_fnc_Carrier01AnimateDeflectors;
Replace Catapult1 with 2 3 or 4 in order to trigger all 4 blast deflectors. 10 is up and 0 is down