Run 1 dedicated server on 1 PC, plus 1 Headless Client, and get around 10-12 clients to play for 1 to 1.5 hours...
1. Dedicated server:
arma3server_6.exe "" "-mod=;@Ryanzombies;@Exile;@ExileServer;" -serverMod=@A3XAI; -autoinit -filePatching -profiles=C:\Arma3_Server\@Arma3Exile -cfg=C:\Arma3_Server\@Arma3Exile\basic.cfg -port=2582 -config=C:\Arma3_Server\@Arma3Exile\config.cfg -nosplash -skipintro -world=empty -cpuCount=2 -maxMem=4096 -exThreads=7 -high -nosound -malloc=system -enableHT
2. Headless client:
arma3server_66.exe "" -mod=";@Ryanzombies;@Exile;@A3XAI_HC;" -client -nosound -enableHT -connect= -port=2582 -profiles=C:\Arma3_Server\@Arma3Exile\HCLogs -nosplash -skipintro -world=empty -cpuCount=2 -maxMem=4096 -exThreads=7 -high -nosound -malloc=system -enableHT
3. Client-side: To connect to the server IP listed, run the following, click multiplayer, find server/ip listed above: Arma3.exe -mod=@ExileMod,@Ryanzombies
Arma3server.exe module Access Violation crash happens when roughly 10 people are playing simultaneously for around 1 - 1.5 hours.
Additional Information:
4 crash bidump files and 4 RPT files attached to this issue.