1. Enter the editor in the Virtual Reality map
2. Place the player at the center of the map
3. Exactly 2000m away, place a module Effects>CAS>CAS-Missile Strike, and angle it so that the CAS aircraft will be flying towards the player during his run.
4. Preview the mission. Open your watch, and carefully keep track of the seconds.
5. As soon as you see the explosions from the rockets, watch the clock.
Speed of Sound @ sea level in m/s - 340.29 m/s
2000m / 340.29 = 5.87733991595 or ~6s
The sound should come in about six seconds after the strike.
6. Notice that the sound of the explosions does not come at all. The sound of the rockets firing *is* audible (although the sound comes at closer to 10s after they actually fire).