Personally, I think the ranking system is still garbage. Only prevents those with a job and money, from apparently progressing, while those spending all day on the server apparently gains from the rank.
The ranking system should rapidly increase rank for players known for the past years dedication and completed tasks within the game, while those players spending 12-24 hours straight a day still stuck on Plan A should progress more slowly with rank.
One way around this, known players are always given Sergeant rank, once they've spent time within one or two games. (eg. If the player has a new account, inhibit slow ranking, until they've spent adequate time.)
Working people usually only get one to two hours a day (at most) of free time they can spend wasting away in front of a computer monitor sitting, doing nothing.
After volunteering my free time for submitting bugs, I now have to go make my biscuits and read my Bible. (Do note, reading a Bible is free, versus sitting around playing games, and more beneficial for your mental health, rather than playing games.)